Thursday, June 13, 2013

Veggies & aquaponics

I swear the snow peas grow as I'm looking at them - just waiting for flowers now.

The celery is doing beautifully too - we've eaten some of the lettuce & herbs already.

This is a regular garden that HofM has put under to sheeting - (a) to keep the bush turkey off & (b) to help with warmth as this part of the garden doesn't get too much sun in winter.  The tomatoes are loving it

The bush turkey is building his second mound (the first one was moved by our neighbour & became mulch for his veggie garden) - the turkeys clean up every bit of leaf litter & mulch they can get their feet into.  They scratch & scratch all day long & can move the litter from one side of the yard to the other.  Don't you love the cow eyeing off the turkey or is it the other way round!  They are not always welcome in suburban back yards - they can destroy so much in such a short time.

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